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Annie Berdel

author : Annie Berdel

Based in Indianapolis, Annie Berdel is a self proclaimed advocate of educating women in the art of personal protection and self reliance.\n\nAs an aspiring writer, Annie took her advocacy and dove into the dystopia genre with strong female lead characters. She surrounds herself with real woman ~ bad ass woman who might not have it all together but never quit. They are real and beautiful and out there fighting for all that is right in the world. They carry deep scares and jars of shed tears, but they still love and still laugh and still lift people who need the help.\n\n A passion for firearms, herbal medicine, knives, slingshots, home canning, Kali street fighting, Kempo karate and a plethora of furry animals fuels the fire and adds countless stories to be told beginning with her inaugural book “Alpha Farm, The Beginning”.\n\nMother, business professional and bibliophile, in her spare time, Annie likes to stretch the boundaries of survival in a Post Apocalyptic scenario.\n\nWanting to leave The Big Blue Marble better than she found it for her children and grandchildren, Annie is always learning, always loving and always looking for ways to help people become self reliant and better prepared for whatever may come.

Annie Berdel Book Series